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  • Community Entry Services

Join us during the Challenge for Charities season in Lander, Wyoming!

Support Community Entry Services today during the Challenge for Charities season!

Lander, Wyoming, a community renowned for its natural beauty and vibrant spirit, is currently abuzz with a remarkable event that combines philanthropy and adventure. The Challenge for Charities, hosted by the Lander Community Foundation, is in full swing, offering a unique opportunity for individuals and businesses alike to make a positive impact on our community. This event has gained tremendous momentum over the years, transforming the act of giving into an interactive experience. From now through July 10th, any donation you make to CES through this link will be matched up to a certain amount by the Lander Community Foundation. For another way to get involved, join in on the racing fun on July 4th!

How does it work?

During the designated giving period (May 1st to July 10th), both individuals and businesses have the opportunity to donate to their preferred charitable organizations through LCF. This approach provides a simplified method for nonprofits to generate funds while remaining mission-focused. Those who contribute to a Matching Fund are referred to as challengers. The Matching Fund supplements the funds collected by the nonprofits, potentially up to 60% of the total amount. To illustrate, if a nonprofit manages to raise $10,000 or more from donors, they would be eligible to receive an additional $6,000 through matching funds.

Why donate to Community Entry Services?

Community Entry Services (CES) is a pillar of support for individuals with disabilities in the Lander area. CES is dedicated to creating opportunities that promote independence, integration, and personal growth for people with disabilities, helping them lead fulfilling lives.

Through a wide range of programs and services, CES addresses the diverse needs of individuals, including vocational training, residential support, social integration, and personalized assistance. By focusing on empowering individuals, CES ensures that everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential and actively participate in the community.

By donating to Community Entry Services, you directly contribute to improving the lives of individuals with disabilities, fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment within the community. Your generous contributions enable CES to expand our programs, provide necessary resources to our clients, enhance the overall quality of life for those we serve, and provide livable wages to our staff.


How You Can Make a Difference!

Are you ready to take part in this incredible journey and make a lasting impact? Here's how you can get involved:

Donate to CES: Visit the official Challenge for Charities donation portal and donate to Community Entry Services to get your donation matched through July 10th. Every dollar counts and brings us closer to achieving our goals.

Spread the Word: Share this blog post, along with the Challenge for Charities campaign, on your social media platforms. Encourage your friends, family, and colleagues to join in and support CES. Tag us at @ces_lander on Instagram and @ceslander on Facebook.

Volunteer: Consider offering your time and skills to Community Entry Services. Whether it's organizing events, assisting with programs, or sharing your expertise, your involvement can make a meaningful difference. Learn more about how you can support CES by reaching out to Shawn Griffin at

Participate in the run on July 4th: The Lander Half Marathon is a must-do road running event that ascends the continuous but gradual climb up Baldwin Creek and then descends Squaw Creek. Runners experience breathtaking views of green fields, winding creeks, dramatic red bluffs, and inspiring glimpses of the Lander foothills. The 5km course leads runners through town to McMannis Park and then joins up with the Half Marathon course to finish. The 1 Mile runs out and back on Main Street with some of the best cheering you can imagine. Kick off your 4th of July with an event you can be proud of!

The parade begins at 10 AM. Stick around for the amazing fireworks display in the evening - it will be an unforgettable experience. If you are coming from out of town, we encourage you to book your lodging early. The 4th of July is a big event in Lander and draws in a very large crowd. Learn more and sign up at the link:


The Challenge for Charities in Lander, Wyoming, presents a remarkable opportunity for individuals and businesses to come together and support Community Entry Services. By donating, spreading the word, volunteering, or participating in the event, you become an agent of change, promoting inclusivity and transforming lives. Let's embrace this challenge and create a brighter future, where every individual can thrive and contribute to their community. Together, we can make a difference and inspire others to do the same. Donate to Community Entry Services today and be a catalyst for positive change!

Learn more about CES at and learn more about Challenge for Charities at

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